Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dark Knight

This along with Iron Man have been by far by favorite summer films. So I encourage you to all to go out and see it. But be warned it is a dark and tragic film. The joker is a menace and truly scary to watch. What happens to other key characters is sometimes hard to watch as many come across difficult trials during this dark time. If you wish to know nothing else stop reading. I will try to touch on some main points of films without spoiling it.

Batman is aware of what he is and is hoping that his work will attract the right people to carry on his work in a more realistic and less dramatic approach so he can put the tragedy that has rules his life behind him. Joker who was mentioned at the end of the last film has been sort of hanging around for awhile before really pushing chaos to an extreme as he wishes to destroy the rejuvenated Gotham. Crime Lords are sub characters in this film who are trying to keep their empire going and it seems (?) if they are just as afraid of the joker as everyone else. Then their are the people of Gotham who seem to love batman secretly but never really understand him. Then when times get tough will they give up their protector for a little relief from fear.

Then there is Harvey Dent, who wishes to do the right thing but has a slight dark undertone deep within that comes out a couple to times. Will Harvey Dent, the White Knight, succumb to chaos and evil and become evil himself? Which is what the films asks of all its characters will they succumb to working for the mob, killing others to save themself, or killing others out of revenge? What will Batman do to keep Gotham safe? What will he become in face of all this evil and what happens to the other characters around him?

The Dark Knight

I hope I can endure through dark times to myself and to the world to live up to my title as a Christian for Christ's Kingdom

1 comment:

Penjammin said...

nice post. wish we had you there at the film forum.